Book Review

Review: Empire of Storms (Throne of Glass #5) by Sarah J. Maas



Rating: 5/5
Audience: New Adult, language, some kisses, descriptive love scenes, violence/torture
Length: 693 pages
Author: Sarah J. Maas
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Release Date: September 6th, 2016
Image & Other Reviews on: Goodreads


The long path to the throne has only just begun for Aelin Galathynius as war looms on the horizon. Loyalties have been broken and bought, friends have been lost and gained, and those who possess magic find themselves at odds with those who don’t.

With her heart sworn to the warrior-prince by her side, and her fealty pledged to the people she is determined to save, Aelin will delve into the depths of her power to protect those she loves. But as monsters emerge from the horrors of the past, and dark forces become poised to claim her world, the only chance for salvation will lie in a desperate quest that may mark the end of everything Aelin holds dear.

In this breathtaking fifth installment of the New York Times bestselling Throne of Glass series, Aelin will have to choose what—and who—to sacrifice if she’s to keep the world of Erilea from breaking apart.

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Note: Review totally contains spoilers. I have read this series 3 or 4 times. I have no chill over this series. This is a re-read I’m doing specifically before KoA comes out in October.

Second note: I firmly believe while yes they’re similarities between her two series, they are SO DIFFERENT. Needed to throw this out there after seeing a lot of reviews claiming they were too alike. I think some phrasing, character type, etc. is similar, but overall the stories are unique.


So you should join me in the comments to rattle the stars over this.

I stormed down the stairs after finishing this book *again* to exclaim my horror that AELIN IS IN AN IRON COFFIN. I mean, Maeve, come on now hunny, WHY WHY WHY. Imma come take you down my self when I figure out a way to literally go into a book world.

And my heart just BREAKS FOR ROWAN. His mate y’all. And she leaves, never expecting to return to Terrasen!??? Someone has to agree with me that there is no way Aelin, or Rowan dies right? The *dies* but *lives* stunt was pulled in her other series already so I’m thinking there must be a loophole to Elena’s problems. Seriously a case of “sounds like a personal problem”. *sighs*

Speaking of loopholes, HOLLIN. Did you forget Hollin? Because I did. Now I’m thinking he has to play a role somehow. At least I hope so.

I am thinking that Dorian might be the real sacrifice. I haven’t decided how I feel about this fact, but that’s where my inkling is leading me. He’s been darker since the Valg invasion, so I think this plays a part. Thoughts? The Gods are hell-bent on ruining someone’s life, why can’t we ruin there’s instead?

I’m also alllll over side characters in this book. Fenrys, he needs a hug. And someone to break him from that stupid blood-oath. His snarky, sassy self should get the freedom he deserves. I am seeing a Garvriel-saves-son-through-sacrifice as well. Someone’s gotta die. I’m just hoping it’s a sideish characters that won’t make me through a book across the room (thanks, Divergent series).

Also, totally in love with where Aedion and Lysandra are going. And Dorian and Manon. Okay, I secretly always hope that everyone gets a happy ending. Can’t help it. I need everyone to be happy so I’m happy. I hope they aren’t mates though. *side story*: I hope that NOBODY else has a mate. Perfectly content with others getting together/being in love/blah blah blah, but the mate thing is supposed to be rare. Rowan and Aelin have that, let’s let them have that.

Though now that I’m saying it, Lorcan should be Elide’s mate, IF ANYONE is going to have one. Lorcan’s character arc is still framing itself and I think needs a touch of Annieth, to bring him fully around. He’s already agreed to help in the end after BREAKING DOWN IN TEARS. He’s my favorite evil, broken soul. Elide is so strong and capable of doing more than she’s been allowed, and I appreciate so much she gets the opportunity to con, lie, and stand up for herself.

I do miss Dorian a bit in this book. I felt his part wasn’t really in here. This is making me thing he’s going to play a much bigger role in KoA. He’s on his own adventure with Manon now, so anything can happen at this point.

SJM ups the ante in her love scenes with this book. Definitely along ACOMAF lines. While I’m always pushing for a couple to finally come together, these scenes can definitely be a bit much. I prefer gloss-over/only slightly detailed scenes. Don’t let this deter you! You can easily skip them and not miss the story itself at all.

Language, and violence of course. VIOLENCE THAT WILL BREAK YOUR SOUL.