Book Review

Book Review: Winter’s Heart (The Wheel of Time #9) by Robert Jordan

Rating: ★★★☆
Audience: Fantasy
Length: 705 pages
Author: Robert Jordan
Publisher: Tor Books
Release Date: November 7th, 2000
Image & Other Reviews on: Goodreads


The Wheel of Time turns and Ages come and go, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth returns again. In the Third Age, an Age of Prophecy, the World and Time themselves hang in the balance. What was, what will be, and what is, may yet fall under the Shadow.

Rand is on the run with Min, and in Cairhein, Cadsuane is trying to figure out where he is headed. Rand’s destination is, in fact, one she has never considered.

Mazrim Taim, leader of the Black Tower, is revealed to be a liar. But what is he up to?

Faile, with the Aiel Maidens, Bain and Chiad, and her companions, Queen Alliandre and Morgase, is prisoner of Savanna’s sept.

Perrin is desperately searching for Faile. With Elyas Machera, Berelain, the Prophet and a very mixed “army” of disparate forces, he is moving through country rife with bandits and roving Seanchan. The Forsaken are ever more present, and united, and the man called Slayer stalks Tel’aran’rhiod and the wolfdream.

In Ebou Dar, the Seanchan princess known as Daughter of the Nine Moons arrives–and Mat, who had been recuperating in the Tarasin Palace, is introduced to her. Will the marriage that has been foretold come about?


I will admit that this one was easier to get through than book eight. But the same glaring issues continually popping up just holds me back from really connecting with the story (and I have put myself in for the long haul of finishing this series to read all of Sanderson’s books).

The romantic sub plot is a dumpster fire I can’t look away from. Rand is not all that and these women need to find someone more consistent in their lives. I don’t even know what to do with it all other than just jump on the train to see what wild thing happens next.

I wish there was a better balance between the POV’s. Staying in one story line for so long gets me in the groove and then changing to someone else’s kind of throws me off. Wash and repeat the entire book. I’m still trying to figure out why these books were so popular.

Overall audience notes:

  • Fantasy
  • Language: a little
  • Romance: closed door
  • Violence: high
  • Trigger/Content Warnings: hallucinations, battle themes, loss of life, weapons and magical altercations

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